On June 13, 2024, the international conference “Let’s Talk to One Another: A Cross-sectoral Approach for children with a parent in prison” took place in Berlin. It was organized by COPE (Children of Prisoners Europe) and Treffpunkt e.V.
As in the previous year, Connecting Hearts supported this event.
The central theme of the conference was the necessity of a cross-sectoral, holistic approach to protect the rights and needs of children with incarcerated parents. The discussions focused on how international guidelines, such as the recommendations of the Council of Europe and “EuroPris” (European Organisation of Prison and Correctional Services), can be implemented in practice.
The German network “Kinder von Inhaftierten” (KvI) presented successful examples of cooperation between Justice, youth welfare and associations. The conference was enriched by numerous inspiring guest speakers who impressed with their personal experiences.
For us at Connecting Hearts, supporting COPE and participating in their conferences is very important and inspiring. Much is already being done to help children with incarcerated parents. As all conference participants agreed, even stronger networking is essential for future projects. We gained valuable insights into the work of other organizations and fresh inspiration for our future projects.